
Lalín is land of artists and Art lovers. It is obvious in its streets. A good way of crossing Lalin village is discovering its sculptures. Some of them have turned into symbols of the municipality, as the dedicated one to Loriga, the aviator, or the statue of the pork.

Some of them monumental, different and discreet another ones...figuratives or abstracts, all of them have a history behind...make up your mind and come to discover it!

Tribute to Farmer
José Mª Acuña
Praza da Vila
42.6606667, -008.1113611

This work arises from a small original one " Ofrenda a la cosecha ", done years before for the same author.

Towards Lalín's parochial church, in the end of a wall of sandstone conglomerate, a pair of farmers stand in an offering and gratefulness attitude. With bodies and faces tanned by work, with their respective hoes and with field dressing.
The woman puts hands together, in attitude of prayer to give thanks, while the man offers the fruits of land to the sky; together, looking into infinity, they show their gratitude to Nature.

Its author, who works with joining realism and feeling, use an academic vocabulary, drawing skilfully anatomies, but also trying to simplify excessive folk dressing details.

The customary topic has a strong spiritual side and it is testimony of people who work at rural areas of Galicia.
It is possible to find a thematic parallelism with Millet, French realism representative, with “Al Ángelus”.

(Translated text, from the original by Alicia Fernández Dapena)

Imagen Tribute to Farmer